Yoga therapy is…

Yoga therapy is holistic.

We look at the person as a whole, a multi-layered complex being. You have body, breath, mind, emotions, and spirit that all intertwine and affect each other - why split them into separate parts?

Yoga therapy is empowering.

We want you to have the tools to enhance your health and wellbeing, and the knowledge, confidence and autonomy to do so.

Yoga therapy is complementary.

We’ll never tell you to stop seeing your doctor, or stop taking your medicine. In fact, yoga therapy works best when practiced alongside more conventional therapies, whether prescribed by your GP, your physiotherapist, or your psychologist.

Yoga therapy is collaborative.

You know your body better than anyone else - let’s use that wisdom. Therapist and client work as partners to improve your quality of life.

Yoga therapy is ancient and modern.

It uses the ancient teachings of yoga and modern evidence-based research, combining them to create a practice that has roots and a practice that works.

If you’re interested in yoga therapy in Adelaide, click here to book in, or here to contact us first.


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Happy and you know it.