What is Yoga Therapy?

Working together to enhance your wellbeing.

Great question.

Let’s start with the analogy of Pilates. You can go to any Pilates class in any Pilates studio to move your body - the price point is low, you have a trained instructor, and you’ll have a good experience.

But what if you have an injury, and some of the exercises aren’t good for your body? Or what if you’re looking to only strengthen one thing in particular? The one-size-fits-all option might not work for you.

So, what is Yoga Therapy?

So, you’ll need to go to a Clinical Pilates class after a couple of sessions with a physiotherapist - the price point is higher, but the instructor is more highly trained, and the one-on-one environment means the class is designed for you.

It’s exactly the same with yoga therapy. If open group yoga classes aren’t what you need, and what you’re looking for is something that will help you in particular, yoga therapy can create a specially designed program just for you.

Yoga therapy is…

  • complementary. We’ll never tell you to stop seeing your doctor, or stop taking your medicine. In fact, yoga therapy works best when practiced alongside more conventional therapies, whether prescribed by your GP, your physiotherapist, or your psychologist.

  • holistic. We look at the person as a whole, a multi-layered complex being. You have body, breath, mind, emotions, and spirit that all intertwine and affect each other - why split them into separate parts?

  • collaborative. You know your body better than anyone else - let’s use that wisdom. Therapist and client work as partners to improve your quality of life.

  • empowering. We want you to have the tools to enhance your health and wellbeing, and the knowledge, confidence and autonomy to do so.

  • ancient and modern. It uses the ancient teachings of yoga and modern evidence-based research, combining them to create a practice that has roots and a practice that works.

Can you sum it up?


Overall, yoga therapy is a holistic, complementary practice, where client and therapist work together with the teachings of yoga to enhance your wellbeing. This personalised practice may include physical movement, breath, meditation, mantra, and lifestyle habits to empower you to heal through all layers of the self. Yoga therapy supports you to become an active participant in your own healing to improve your quality of life.