What is Kapha?

In May, we focussed on Vata, one of the Ayurvedic Doshas, or mind-body constitutions that are present in all of us and in the world around us. Now, it’s Kapha season, which is present in late winter and early spring.

What is Kapha governed by?

Kapha is governed by the elements of earth and water, and it has these similar qualities of steadiness, heaviness, and moisture. This is why when it’s cold and wet outside, you usually feel like slowing down, rather than being bursting with energy.

What does an excess of Kapha look like?

People with an excess of Kapha might experience:

  • lots of mucus and seasonal allergies (hello, hayfever)

  • brain fog and slowness of thought

  • difficulty losing excess weight

  • feeling complacent and stubborn

  • slow awakening in the morning

How do I balance Kapha dosha?

Get on up! Strong physical practices like running, HIIT classes, or vinyasa yoga will help, as well as heating or clearing pranayama practices like surya bhedi pranayama or kapalabhati.

Yoga therapy can help move stubborn and sluggish Kapha in your body and mind, boosting your energy when all you want to do is hibernate. If this is what you need, book in with us - let’s begin, together.


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