Is yoga therapy for me?

Yes. No matter who asks this question, the answer is yes, yoga therapy is for you.

Maybe you’ve been to a few yoga classes before and you haven’t really vibed with it. The movements were too fast or too slow, there was too much hand-standing or too much lying down, or maybe you weren’t given enough instructions and thought, “am I even doing this right?”

The best thing about yoga therapy is that it is tailored completely to you. Need more movement, and less talking? No worries. Need to lie down on the floor for an hour and just be? Sounds perfect. Need to take a deep philosophical dive, or flex your spirituality muscles? Can do.

Yoga therapy is for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life and wellbeing; who is interested in diving deeper into the ancient teachings of yoga; and who wants to reconnect the link between their body, breath, mind, emotions, and spirit.

Yoga therapy is for young and old, healthy and sick, injured and fit, male and female and everything in between.

Yoga therapy is for you.


Happy and you know it.


What is pranayama?