Anxiety? Or Anxiousness?

1 in 4 Australians will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. It has a huge prevalence in modern developed society, and I’d bet good money that either you or someone you know has experienced it at some point.

However, we tend to mix up the state of being anxious with the clinical diagnosis of anxiety. While yoga has tools to help both, it will depend on what state you’re in as to the intensity and type of tools we use.

What is anxiousness?

  • A responsive state. For example, you’re feeling anxious because you have a job interview tomorrow

  • A transient state. Anxiousness typically doesn’t last too long

What is anxiety?

  • Clinically diagnosed. You can think of anxiousness being the state of mind, and anxiety being the diagnosis

  • Overwhelming. Anxiety is not something you can talk yourself out of

  • Interfering with your daily life. Anxiety is when we change our normal healthy behaviours to attempt to mollify the intensity of what we’re feeling

What do anxiety and anxiousness have in common?

  • The physical symptoms. Heart racing, sweating, restlessness

  • The mental symptoms. Speedy thoughts, distracted mindset, a sense of worry

How can yoga therapy help?

If we zoom out, we can classify therapeutic yogic techniques as being either brahmana (expanding, nourishing, increasing) or langhana (reducing, calming, decreasing). When dealing with anxiety or anxiousness, we want to practice techniques in the langhana category - think movements and breathing that are slow, steady, and grounding. However, we may need to do some quick, active practices first to shake out all the nervous energy.

If you’re interested in tools to help you deal with your anxiety or anxiousness, book in here. I’m looking forward to working with you.


Your body is important.


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