What is Vata?

You’ll hear Ayurvedic practitioners, yoga therapists, and some yoga teachers talk about Vata, or Vata Dosha. The best way to describe it is as one of the three constitutions, based on the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and ether, or space.

Vata is governed by the latter two elements of air and space, and so has these airy, ethereal qualities of movement, creativity, and lightness. Vata is also connected to autumn and early winter, where it’s windy outside and the weather gets colder.

So do you have a picture in your mind of what Vata is? This light, cold, dry element of movement? Just as Vata is a part of nature, so are we, and Vata can affect us all in different ways.

People with an excess of Vata might experience:

  • pain

  • anxiety and stress

  • flightiness and an inability to concentrate

  • constipation and bloating

  • dry skin

So how do we settle Vata? Two words: SLOW. DOWN.

Reduce your physical movement, and if you do move, keep it slow and steady. Give yourself a massage with some black sesame oil, focussing on the soles of your feet. Get back into nature and remind yourself that you are a part of it. Bring yourself back down to earth, and let your bare feet touch the ground.

Yoga therapy is a practice designed for you - a steady yoga practice is especially helpful during this turn of season into autumn. Interested? Book in with us - let’s begin, together.


So… what exactly is Yoga Therapy?