Connection as healing.

The healing power of connection:

A huge part of healing is connection. Connection to those around you, connection to your emotions, and most importantly, connection to who you really are. This is easier said than done, and people experience connection in different ways, but it is a vital part of how you will heal from your eating disorder.

The isolation tactics of eating disorders:

Your eating disorder is trying to isolate you - it’s an uncomfortable truth, but one we have to face. The more your eating disorder can get you alone, the more it can isolate you from your friends and family and professional support, the more it can sink its claws in. Similar to an abusive relationship, when the eating disorder has you alone, it can convince you that your loved ones are irritating, smothering, and trying to sabotage you. This leads you to turn to your eating disorder for support.

The human desire for connection:

However - you as a human being are designed for connection, not isolation! The only reason our silly little human race is still here is that we are designed to turn towards others, rather than away. You are designed to connect with others, but also with yourself, weaving all the parts of yourself together like a beautiful you-shaped tapestry.

Connection through your yoga practice:

Yoga has a description of your layers: they’re called koshas, and they are all interwoven, affecting and being affected by each other. There is no delineation between physical and mental health; rather, your physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers all connect holistically.


Yoga therapy vs studio yoga in eating disorder recovery.


Creating space in eating disorder recovery.